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2,2 ,5,5 Tetra Chloro Benzidine

2,2 ,5,5 Tetra Chloro Benzidine

Product Details:


Product Description

2,2 ,5,5 Tetra Chloro Benzidine has 322.02 molar mass. Its melting point ranges between 135 degree C to 140 degree C. its approximate boiling point is 477.67 degree C and density is around 1.5309. Refractive index of  2,2 ,5,5 Tetra Chloro Benzidine is 1.6000. This chemical needs to be stored at -70 degree C temperature. This chemical tends to release very toxic fumes with the application of heat. Standard of this product has been tested on the basis of its storage life, composition, toxic content, chemical properties etc.

  • Offered chemical releases toxic fumes after decomposing (when heat is applied).
  • Standard chemical attributes
  • Available at reasonable price
  • Safe to handle

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